100 Fold Studio is a nonprofit architecture firm providing affordable and innovative design services to charitable organizations around the world. We are committed to demonstrating the love of Jesus by designing safe, efficient, and inspiring structures for all, regardless of religion, ethnicity or tradition.
"Hear the Word, embrace it & bear fruit – 30, 60 & 100 fold." Mark 4:20
Our name is rooted in the parable of the Sower and the Seed where Jesus challenges us to live for eternal impact. Our efforts can either be diminished by the desires of the world or multiplied by the compassion of God.
"Each of us has received a talent. Use it to serve one another…" I Peter 4:10
In response to God's grace, we are challenged to fully apply our professional talents to glorify God through charitable service. The mission field can be a place to demonstrate excellence in design and construction. we empower architects, designers, &other professionals to use their skills to provide design services in developing countries.
"Provide the poor wanderer with shelter…" Isaiah 58:6&7
We believe everyone deserves a place to live that is safe, efficient &inspiring. Architecture is not luxury for the affluent; it can be a practical & creative expression of God's love that enriches the daily lives of all people. We serve by partnering with established organizations in developing countries to design schools, housing and vocational training facilities.
"As you go, make disciples of all nations…" Matthew 28:19
As we impact immediate physical needs, we have an exponential effect on a generation of architects. We provide a unique opportunity for architecture school graduates to serve in missions while earning credit towards their professional license. Our workplace is oriented towards encouraging interns' personal development as well as honing their architectural skills. Our vision is to establish a global network of licensed architects, interns, & other professionals dedicated to serve in missions.
100 Fold Studio | Building. Eternal. Relationships.
For more information on 100 Fold Studio, please visit the website by clicking on the link at the bottom of the home page of our blog or going to 100foldstudio.org